
Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 Learning Hub!

Teacher: Mrs Barlow

Supporting: Mrs Elliott and Miss McNab


Here is some important information for you: 

Drop off time: Year 2 = 8:45am 

Collection time: Year 2 = 3.15pm

Please can the children bring in a named water bottle and a coat each day and ensure ALL school uniform is named. Children also need their reading folder in school everyday.



Our PE days this term will be Wednesday and Friday. Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days. This consists of navy or black joggers/shorts with their house coloured PE t-shirt as well as their school hoodie or school jumper. Please make sure your child is not wearing earrings on PE days. Removing/covering earrings is a health and safety requirement and delays the start of the lesson.


We will continue to use ‘Little Wandle’ reading and phonics scheme to teach and assess children's reading development. To acquire a reading age for your child, they will access Accelerated Reader. 


To help children to build the alphabetic code they will use the Little Wandle Spelling programme which provides a seamless link from the core Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme, to learning spelling in Year 2. Spellings will given out every Monday. They will be stuck in the front of a yellow book. They will be tested in the back of this book as a record of their achievements. 

Times Tables

By the end of Year 2 children need to know by heart their 2, 5 and 10 times tables so we will get started practising these in class from our first week. Some children pick these up quickly but if your child finds memorisation difficult, you might want to practise these at home. On alternative Friday's children will be given a green book with a short times table task in it. Please complete this at home and return the book by the following Friday.

Show & Tell 

We love to hear about the children’s hobbies and home lives. Show & Tell is also terrific way to build children’s confidence speaking up in front of their peers. Show and tell will be done on Monday mornings. Please send in photos or items children might like to share.

We will use the school’s website and parent mail to share information and updates throughout the year and in the meantime, if you have any questions, please just ask!