
What is a 'Singing School'?

At Seaton Sluice First School, we love to sing! We sing in the morning, when we line up, tidy up, move around school, say goodbye and to remember our school values. 
Mrs Bennett, our Headteacher is our music coordinator and she leads our school as a singing school. Everyone in our school joins in with our songs, from teachers to lunch time assistants.
We sing because it makes us feel happy and it unites us as a community. Even during the pandemic, we continued to sing our special school songs. They made us feel hopeful about the future and reminded us of special times together in school. 
As stated in our OFSTED inspection (2019), Music is the 'bedrock' of our school! A singing school is a happy school. Furthermore, singing can help children develop their language skills, social and emotional skills as well as their cognitive skills. Music also lifts our spirits and allows us to express our emotions in a way like no other.