
The Parent and Carer Think Tank

What is 'The Parent and Carer Forum'?
The Parent Think Tank was formed in May 2020 during the first lockdown during the pandemic. Parents and Carers were initially invited to support the school in thinking of creative solutions to support life out of school and then getting back on track once able to return to school. Their ongoing support proved to be invaluable and it was agreed that the group should continue as a result of it's success and fantastic contribution. 
The group was re-named in 2022 as 'The Parent and Carer Forum'. It consists of parents and carers from all classes across the school. They meet once every half-term with the Headteacher, to discuss how life in school is going and  feedback on any current issues, providing honest, helpful solution-focussed ideas. It is a great way of working together and for parents and carers to feel like they have a voice giving them the opportunity to influence future planning. 
If you are interested in contributing and joining the Parent Think Tank Group, please contact the school office by clicking here