How the Sport Premium is helping to benefit children at Seaton Sluice First School
High Quality Physical Education:
“Raising standards of all our children in Physical Education.”
At Seaton Sluice First School we have:
- Regular specialist support from qualified PE teachers and qualified sports coaches working with class teachers to achieve high quality teaching and learning in lessons.
- Continuing Professional Development opportunities for teachers in national and personalised programmes in PE & Sport.
- Professional quality assured teaching modules & materials for PE & Sport.
- Pupil leadership opportunities for Years 3 and 4.
- Close links to the local school games organisation.
- Coaching has been provided by external experts in rugby, football, basketball, skipping, golf and hula hooping in the past 12 months.
- Lesson observations, benchmarking and coaching support from Northumberland School Games representatives.
Competitive School Sport:
“Encouraging pupil participation and in competitive extra-curricular sport.”
- Inclusive competitive opportunities, such as Sports Day. Competition implemented in PE lessons using school ‘Houses’.
- Within the past 24 months, we have entered inter school competitions including football, golf, gymnastics and tag rugby.
Healthy Active Lifestyles:
“Ensuring that all of our children are afforded opportunities to regularly exercise as part of their routine”.
- In the summer term, children and their families take part in a sponsored walk.
- Children from year 2 and above are invited to represent the school in the five mile cancer run in May of each year. Prior to the event, a running club is available for all children and parents taking part.
- Children in Years 3 and 4 take part in 'Match Fit' health awareness sessions as part of our service level agreement with the NUFC Foundation.
- There is currently a weekly football club and a multi-skills club for KS1 children.
- Playground games makers and Sports Leaders from Key Stage 2 encourage children to take part in organised games at break and lunch time.
Measuring the impact of funding:
- Staff have commented positively on the professional development and training provided by school games representatives.
- The school has achieved the Platinum Award from Sainsbury’s school games – having achieved bronze, silver and gold in the past..
- “As part of high quality CPD, teachers pick up lots of interesting and useful ideas for different areas within Physical Education.